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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Experience Authentic Community
Being part of a church group provides a sense of belonging, support, and friendship, creating a strong foundation for personal growth and a deeper connection with God.
Grow Spiritually
You will have the opportunity to deepen your understanding of God's Word, develop your spiritual gifts and embark on a path of personal transformation.
Nurture Meaningful Friendships
Morningstar Connect group offers opportunities to connect with others who share similar values and beliefs, fostering friendships that go beyond surface-level interactions.

Experience The Power Of Grace, Connect With Others, And Make A Difference In The World.


We Are A Diverse Group Of Individuals Who Share A Common Passion For Fostering Genuine Connections

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We please the Father through our worship for God is seeking for True worshippers to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.
Praise is a weapon. We understand this principle and so we constantly offer praises and adoration to God.
We are a people of Thanksgiving. Never failing to give thanks to Our Lord and Saviour.
We create an avenue to service God and humanity with a clean and a pure heart
Our ministry is built on the foundation of love, faith, and a desire to see lives transformed.

Our Mission

Our mission is to prepare new wineskins for the new wine of His presence for the Harvest. We do this by having intimate relationship with Jesus and helping others to know Him intimately (Koinonia). Connect Groups reach beyond ourselves to bring new life through discipling others.

Our Vision

We exist as a church without walls, fellowshipping with each other and engaging heaven in a variety of locations and in diverse environments. Our pursuit is always to love God and His people. Loves is what makes ministry effective, and the greater the love the greater the impact.
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Our Goal Is To Encourage Everyone To Cultivate Relationship — Both With God And With One Another

1 John 1:7“But if we walk in the light as He is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all Sin.”
Find Your Abode,

Join A Connect Group

Local / Remote Connect Group

The local and remote Connect Groups are in-person gatherings. The local connect groups are located in and around the Fort Mill, SC / Charlotte, NC area.

Online Connect Group

Connect to other like-minded people through Online Connect Groups wherever you are located geographically. We have groups all over the USA and the world, and we are adding members every week.

Ministry Connect Groups

These Connect Groups are facilitated by the ministries of MorningStar Fellowship Church. They exist for Training in ministry or to strengthen and provide fellowship with a specific demographic within the church


We Open The Door To Deeper Connections, Joyous Fellowship, And A Closer Walk With God.

Uniting Hearts, Changing Lives

Our ministry is built on the foundation of love, faith, and a desire to see lives transformed. We believe in creating an environment where people can freely express their spirituality, explore their faith, and find support in their journey.
Members Globally
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Latest Events

Mar 37.00 am

Event: Reflect The Community And Serving

Mauris id enim id purus ornare tincidunt. Aenean vel consequat risus. Proin viverra nisi at nisl imperdiet auctor.

Event Details
Event closed.
Dec 188.00 am

Our Sponsorship Meetup Will Be Held Again

Mauris id enim id purus ornare tincidunt. Aenean vel consequat risus. Proin viverra nisi at nisl imperdiet auctor.

Event Details
Mar 412.00 pm

Event: Lord is Sufficient for all of our needs

Mauris id enim id purus ornare tincidunt. Aenean vel consequat risus. Proin viverra nisi at nisl imperdiet auctor.

Event Details
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Visit Us
375 Star Light DrFort Mill, SC, 29715, USA
Speak With Us
(803) 802-5544, ext 243